- The village of Roztoky is situated 50 km from the centre of Praha. At present, there are about 1,100 inhabitants.
- The nearest towns: Beroun, Rakovník.
- The hotel is located on the route from the Křivoklát Castle to the Karlštejn Castle, 1 km from the Křivoklát Castle.
- The hotel is to be found in Roztoky on the bank of Berounka river, near the bridge.
- Parking at the hotel.
Map of the Czech Republic:
Map of the Czech Republic
Map of the Czech Republic
By car:
Praha - Beroun - Roztoky:
- From Praha you will take the D5 motorway to Plzeň, exit 14 in Beroun direction and next : Beroun - Hýskov - Nižbor - Roztoky.
- Accessibility also by train Roztoky - Beroun or Roztoky - Rakovník.
Maps on the Internet:
Map of the Czech republic:http://mapy.atlas.cz
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(c) Hotel Roztoky 2001